Graduate Education

Graduate Studies

MSTAT Studies

I am pursuing a Master’s in Statistics (MSTAT) at the University of Utah. Below are some of the classes I took, with links to pages providing more description and sample work

Linear Models (MATH 6010)

This course, taught by Prof. Lajos Horvath, discussed linear models and linear regression in statistics.

Multilinear Models (MATH 6020)

This course, taught by Prof. Braxton Osting, discussed multilinear methods in statistics.

Reading Course on Time Series Models (MATH 6910)

This reading course, done under the supervision of Prof. Lajos Horvath, discussed statistical models for time series data.

Big Data Studies

Machine Learning (CS 6350)

This course, taught by Prof. Vivek Srikumar, discussed machine learning classifiers and algorithms.

Data Mining (CS 6140)

This course, taught by Prof. Jeff Phillips, discussed data mining topics including handling large datasets, clustering methods, SVD, and other topics.

Probabilistic Models (CS 6190)

This course, taught by Prof. Tom Fletcher, discussed Bayesian statistical inference, covering a wide range of topics from basic Bayesian ideas to MCMC and functional inference.

Visualization (CS 6630)

This course, taught by Prof. Alexander Lex, taught basic visualization on the Web with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and D3.js, along with visualization techniques and practices.

Database Systems (CS 5530)

This course, taught by Prof. Feifei Li, discussed database system topics including their design, relational algebra, SQL, and other topics.