Introducing Rank Data Analysis with Arkham Horror Data


Last week I analyzed player rankings of the Arkham Horror LCG classes. This week I explain what I did in the data analysis. As I mentioned, this is the first time that I attempted inference with rank data, and I discovered how rich the subject is. A lot of the tools for the analysis I had to write myself, so you now have the code I didn’t have access to when I started.

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Comparing the Classes of Arkham Horror; Why Survivors Need Work


This blog post was prompted by this meme posted in the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Facebook group:

Arkham Horror meme

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Making a Profit with Henry Wan in Arkham Horror: The Card Game


The Forgotten Age cycle of Arkham Horror is at a close and Fantasy Flight Games already announced the next cycle, The Circle Undone. Not only that, they’ve announced two mythos packs at a rate that… surprised me. A new cycle announcement and two mythos pack announcements in less than two months? Am I the only one who finds the new pace of announcements surprising? Perhaps that means they want to get product out at a faster pace?

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Evaluating Olive McBride with the Arkham Horror LCG Chaos Bag Simulator in R

(If you care, there may be spoilers in this post.)


I love Arkham Horror; The Card Game. I love it more than I really should; it’s ridiculously fun. It’s a cooperative card game where you build a deck representing a character in the Cthulhu mythos universe, and with that deck you play scenarios in a narrative campaign1 where you grapple with the horrors of the mythos. Your actions in (and between) scenarios have repercussions for how the campaign plays out, changing the story, and you use experience points accumulated in the scenarios to upgrade your deck with better cards.

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